Further useful information

1. Rights performers are entitled to under Act XCIII of 2016 on Collective management of copyright and related rights ("CRM Act")

1.1. Performers shall have the right to grant users a non-commercial licence themselves for the use of their fixed performances. [CRM Act Art. 11 (1)]

1.2. Performers may choose at their discretion which collective right management organisation they wish to mandate with the management of their rights [CRM Act Art. 13 (1)]

1.3. Performers may terminate or limit their mandate to EJI by way of a declaration incorporated in a private document with full evidential power and with a minimum of six months' notice taking effect on the first day of the year following the fiscal year in which the declaration was served. [CRM Act Art. 16 (1)]

1.4. Performers may raise objection to licensing the making available right [Copyright Act Art. 74 (2)] and the repeat broadcast right [Copyright Act Art. 74 (2)] in the scope of extended collective management of rights, by way of a a declaration incorporated in a private document with full evidential power, addressed to the collective management organisation acting on the basis of extended collective management of rights. The rightholder my raise the objection addressed to the collective management organisation at any time, however the objection taking effect on the fifth day following the date of receiption by the collective management organisation. In the case of already concluded licencing agreements covered by the objection, the objection shall, unless otherwise agreed, take effect on the last day of the relevant calendar semester, provided that the objection is raised before the last day of the first three months of that semester. An objection made after the last day of the first three months of a calendar semester takes effect on the last day of the following calendar semester.[CRM Act Art. 18 (1)]

1.5. Performers shall have the right to communicate with EJI by electronic means, including for the purposes of exercising members’ rights. [CRM Act Art. 47 (1)]

1.6. EJI shall distribute and pay out remuneration to rightholders as soon as possible but no later than nine months from the end of the financial year in which the rights revenue was collected, unless objective reasons relating in particular to reporting by users, identification of rights, rightholders or matching of information on fixed performances with rightholders prevent EJI from meeting that deadline. [CRM Act Art. 40]

1.7. Performers shall have the right to an effective and timely handling of their complaints related to EJI's operation. Our Complaint Handling Procedures are available at www.eji.hu or at customer service at 101 Vörösvári út, 1033 Budapest. [CRM Act Art. 47 (2)]

1.8. Performers shall have the right to obtain information from EJI at least once a year regarding remuneration or other payment due to them. [CRM Act Art. 53 (1)]

1.9. Performers shall have the right to obtain information from EJI regarding the repertoire managed by EJI and the geographical territories covered by such management. [CRM Act Art. 56]

1.10. Performers shall have the right to be accepted, upon their request, as members of EJI, subject to meeting the criteria determined in the statutes and membership rules. Refusal to accept a request for membership shall be accompanied with a clear explanation of the reasons for the decision. [CRM Act Art. 23. §]

1.11. Members of EJI shall have the right to attend the Electoral Assembly and, within its rules of order, exercise their voting right, raise questions, and make proposals. [CRM Act Art. 27 (1)]

2. Management fees deducted from right revenues
Management fees are determined by the General Assembly ("GA") of EJI as a percentage of right revenues. Unless decided otherwise by the GA, 18% shall be deducted from right revenues for the purposes of management fees. For the years 2015 and 2016, the GA determined management fees in 17% of right revenues.

3. Deductions for the benefit of the community of performers
In compliance with Art. 44 of the CRM Act, 25% of the private copying compensation of performers shall be transferred to the National Cultural Fund for cultural purposes.
Deductions for the cultural, social, and vocational purposes of performers are determined by the GA. In accordance with the decision of the GA currently in force, 10% of right revenues shall be used for the benefit of the community of performers, 7% of which must be used for social and vocational purposes, while the remaining 3% must be transferred to the National Cultural Fund for cultural purposes.

4. Conditions to license non-commercial uses
Please refer to Chapter VII of the Statutes of EJI (available only in Hungarian)

5. Pertaining laws and regulations (available only in Hungarian)
- Act XCIII of 2016 on Collective management of copyright and related rights
- Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright
- Statutes of EJI
- Rules of Membership
- Rules of Distribution
- Complaint Handling Procedure

Please note that the official language of conducting business with EJI is the Hungarian language. Services in English are provided only as courtesy. While all reasonable efforts were made to accurately convey the meaning of pertaining statutory provisions and internal rules, the translation of these provisions should not be regarded as certified.

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Jogdíjkifizetés (Audiovizuális és online jogdíjak) / Payout for audiovisual and online royalties


Hangfelvételi adatlapok regisztrációs határideje / Deadline for registration of sound recording forms


Külföldről beszedett jogdíjak felosztása és audiovizuális jogosultkutatás


Jogdíjkifizetés (Hangfelvételek felhasználása és külföldi jogdíjak és internetes jogosultkutatás) / Payout for sound recordings


Jogdíjkifizetés (Audiovizuális jogdíjak) / Payout for audiovisual royalties


Regisztrációs határidő (jogosultkutatás) / Deadline for registration (rightholder research)